Ms. Carolyn Liddy
During last week’s whole school assembly, we presented the Dr Lee Anne Perry AM Leadership and Service Award to Ava Allen, our 2024 recipient of this award. This award was created in 2015 to honour Dr Perry’s outstanding 16-year contribution to All Hallows’ as Principal. We were also very pleased to welcome Dr Perry, along with Ava’s parents, Phil and Leza Allen, Ms. Tron Fisher, President of the Past Pupils’ Association and Ms. Sarah Fraser, Treasurer of the Past Pupils’ Association.
The award provides funds to a past pupil who has graduated in the past 10 years and has embraced our Mercy Action program during her time at school, and since graduating, has continued her work for social justice, consistent with our school’s Mercy ethos.
The $5,000 prize money accompanying this award is intended to contribute to a specific justice-related project that will further develop the recipient’s leadership skills.
The award is funded through the generosity of our Past Pupils’ Association, and I would like to sincerely thank President Tron Fisher and the Association's Executive for their support of this important opportunity for our past pupils.
We commenced the assembly with a presentation from our 2024 award recipient, Solene Hegarty-Cremer, a graduate of the Class of 2014. Unfortunately, Solene was unable to join us in person, but her video presentation captured our imaginations as she let us know how she has used the award funds to further her leadership and service journey through her project to provide equitable access to education and learning for under-represented groups, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Solene’s passion for social justice was unmistakable, and she is an inspiration to each of us as we continue our own work for social justice.
Ava Allen (Class of 2022)
Ava was a Social Justice Captain and heavily involved in our Mercy Action program. As a Social Justice Captain, Ava was a leader of the whole school project in 2022 that raised $45,000 for Catherine’s House, the perinatal mental health centre at the Mater Hospital. Ava was also active in Mercy Action activities, including Jimmie’s Van, Eddie’s Van, the Romero Centre, Mercy Disability, and Villa Maria.
Since finishing school, Ava has continued to work for social justice while undertaking her studies in medicine which she is due to complete in 2027. Ava’s ongoing social outreach work includes being a buddy for a child with a disability to provide them with a life-changing holiday camp and respite for parents, establishing recycling initiatives and birthing kits for women in under-resourced settings, and fundraising to provide First Nations children with access to healthcare.
Ava plans to use the award funds to help medical students travel to remote and First Nations communities in South and Central Queensland, and the Northern Territory, where they will perform health checks including skin, lung, chest and ear exams. She will also establish a mentorship program for students from rural areas who are considering a career in medicine, allowing them to build networks with other students from metropolitan areas, universities, and medical associations, to help inspire the next generation of medical professionals and improve health outcomes in remote communities. We are very excited to hear from Ava this time next year about her leadership and service learnings.
Friday 30 August
This Friday, is set aside as a statewide Professional Learning Day. Many of our talented teaching staff hold key roles in ensuring the valid application of QCAA quality assurance processes, which underpin the comparability of Year 12 student results across the state. Across Friday and Saturday, the final confirmation of Year 12 internal assessment results will occur across the state. Our remaining teaching staff and all enterprise staff will undertake professional learning during this day while students in Years 5 to 11 will enjoy a Student Free Day. Meanwhile, our Year 12 students are invited to attend Study Hub Day, where they prepare for their upcoming assessment.
After weeks of dedicated revision and study, exams have begun for many students. We wish our AHSisters the best for all their assessment tasks in the coming weeks. While we encourage all our students to give their best effort during assessment, it is important they also remember the importance of self-care. Taking the time to nurture both their mental and physical well-being during this busy period means balancing study with rest, eating well and staying active. Our students have worked hard to reach this milestone, and we are confident they will do their best to demonstrate the learning progress they have made.
Winter Sport
Last weekend marked the culmination of an incredibly successful rowing season with the Brisbane Schoolgirls’ Rowing Association Head of the River Regatta at Wyaralong Dam.
For the very first time, All Hallows’ School won the Aggregate Cup with All Hallows’ winning each age group bar one. This is a remarkable achievement and a reflection of the depth of our rowing program and the hard work of so many people associated with our rowing program throughout the season. In addition to winning the Aggregate Cup, our First Eight rowing squad successfully defended their 2023 Head of the River title! The crew took an early lead and won their event by at least a boat length.
Such a successful day is a testament to each rower’s dedication over many cold mornings and the wonderful teamwork and camaraderie they displayed throughout the day. We are very proud of their efforts.
A very big thank you to the students who enthusiastically cheered on all competitors throughout the day and to Ms Sue Havers, who kindly travelled on the supporters’ bus. After our students’ enthusiastic celebrations at the end of the day, I suspect it was a bit of a wet and smelly trip home!
Our school is indebted to the many staff and volunteers whose service, expertise, and generosity have ensured that this season has been enjoyable and successful. Thank you, and congratulations to our Rowing Coordinator, Mr. Paul Brown, dedicated coaches, the Rowing Parent Support Group, and the many wonderful parents and caregivers who have supported our team throughout the season.
It will be an exciting weekend courtside, with netball grand finals taking place this Saturday. We wish all our teams the very best of luck. Their hard work, dedication and team spirit have brought them this far, and the AHSisterhood will be cheering them on every step of the way.
We are very grateful to our Netball Coordinators, Miss Emily Latter and Miss Georgia Oliver, as well as all our coaches, team managers, Parent Support Groups and supporters who have worked tirelessly to help our teams achieve their full potential. Good luck to everyone involved in the weekend finals!
Riverfire Sundowner Supper

Brisbane has been blessed with early Spring weather which will be gratefully appreciated by our community members attending our Parents & Friends Riverfire Sundowner Supper on the Terrace this Saturday.
This special evening is a fantastic opportunity for the community to come together, enjoy the spectacular Riverfire display, and share some great food and company. Thank you to our hardworking P&F and President Phil Young for their enthusiastic and meticulous planning.
I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday evening as we socialise under a canopy of stars and fireworks.
Father’s Day
As Father's Day approaches this weekend, I would like to take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge all the incredible fathers, grandfathers, uncles and father figures in our All Hallows’ community. Your love, guidance, and support mean the world to your daughters, and we are deeply grateful for your positive impact on their lives.
This Father’s Day, let us also reflect on the words spoken during baptism, reminding parents:
“You will be the first teachers of your child in the ways of faith. May you be the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith by what you say and do.”
However you choose to celebrate Father’s Day, we hope it is filled with joy, appreciation, and wonderful memories.
May God bless you and your family in the week ahead.
Ms. Carolyn Liddy (Deputy Principal).