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All Hallows’ has been educating for the future since 1861. We prepare our students for life after school with the knowledge that they can make a difference on a local, national and international scale. Our programs take students out of their usual classroom environment where they gain valuable experiences that shape their decision-making and expand their horizons to support their overall development. 



All Hallows’ students have the opportunity to take part in cultural immersion where they can engage at a personal level with communities experiencing disadvantage. These annual immersions, such as trips to Cherbourg, Cape York and Central Australia, allow students to encounter people experiencing the effects of injustice and work to understand the causes of such inequities in our world.



A highlight for our Year 12 students is the annual Ski Trip to New Zealand. With daily skiing lessons included, this trip is open to beginner or professional skiers. 


Students from Years 5 to Year 10 take part in an annual camp. Camps provide opportunities for personal growth, socialisation and teamwork.

Personal Growth: a student can step outside their comfort zone and try new things. Being involved in activities that are unfamiliar assists in overcoming challenges and building self-esteem.

Socialisation: a great place to meet new people and make further, deeper connections.

Teamwork: development of new skills in working together to achieve a goal/outcome in a respectful manner.


At All Hallows’ our Catholic Mercy identity is central to all that we do. It underpins our vision to create opportunities for our community that allow faith, Mercy and service to flourish. Student formation is enhanced by our developmentally appropriate retreat program which provides opportunities for self-reflection, formation, community connection, engagement with scripture and prayer.

Retreats are held each year from Year 5 through to Year 12.

Sports tours

Students across a number of sports have regular opportunities to tour and play internationally in countries such as Fiji, USA/Canada, UK and Europe. Aspiring athletes gain invaluable experience playing at an international level and meeting new people.

Curriculum tours

Students have the opportunity to take part in domestic and international curriculum tours. 

Every two years, our language students have the opportunity to experience the language and culture of the language they are studying. 

From visiting Australia’s National Science Centre to exploring some of Australia’s unique biology, our science students are exposed to leading scientific practices. These biennial trips allow students to hone their skills through hands-on experiences. 

Returning to the school’s calendar is our international Dance tour of New York for our curriculum and co-curricular Dance students. Students take part in workshops and master classes with elite professionals within studios, dance colleges and dance companies. 



Activity Occurrence 2024 2025 2026 2027
Annual cycle
Cape York
Cape York
Cape York
Biennial cycle
Minjerribah Cambodia
Mercy Pilgrimage (Dublin) Cherbourg Eco-Justice (Cairns)
Three-year cycle
Annual cycle
Year 12 Ski Trip
Year 12 Ski Trip
Year 12 Ski Trip
Year 12 Ski Trip
Biennial cycle
Three-year cycle
Curriculum Tours
Annual cycle
Year 12 Study Hub
Year 12 Study Hub
Year 12 Study Hub
Year 12 Study Hub
Biennial cycle
Year 11 & 12 Physics Japanese Study Tour Biology Tour (Townsville)
Year 11 & 12 Physics French Tour (New Caledonia)
Three-year cycle
Sports Tours
Annual cycle
Biennial cycle
Touch Tour (Fiji)
Volleyball and Basketball (US/Canada)
Three-year cycle
Rowing (UK/Europe)
Annual cycle